View Poll Results: Change config back so Koreans cant play?

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Thread: POLL: Change the config back???

  1. #1
    Sexiest Motha Fucka Alive N/U Commando
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    Default POLL: Change the config back???

    VOTE! not being racist or anything but they dont listen... Im tired of hearing regs complain cause they cade break, mic spam, ect...
    DD [r] иα∂ιαٿ: and your pretty damn hot...just saying


  2. #2
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    Default Re: POLL: Change the config back???

    Quote Originally Posted by Rey
    VOTE! not being racist or anything but they dont listen... that korean admin is never on and doesnt help at all... Im tired of hearing regs complain cause they cade break, mic spam, ect...
    rey buddy i completely agree with you on this one, im tired of complaining and whining and nobody listens. Since the majority of koreans dont listen i do beleive this is the best possible way unless another solution is found. Also, the koreans that do have mics sometimes use there mics and play music through it when the admins arent there at night to do anything about it. My last key point would be that i dislike being called an "yankee" by a korean. im not trying to be racist, but wit that one word when the admins werent around. It was racist than 6 feet under in that server.

    thanks for your time, -Omega2058-

  3. #3
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    Here's what will happen if we make the server a steam server again:

    1: The Koreans won't be able to join.
    2: Nor will most of the other people who play on ZM.
    3: ZM will revert back to what it was before November with only a few players.
    4: It will lose its spot as the 13th most popular CS:S ZM server.
    5: I will NOT do anything to try to get players to join the server.
    6: Since the server lacks any other admins who would try to populate it, it will die.
    7: You will baww that ZM is dead and ask to have it changed into something else.
    8: ??????
    9: Failure.

    Let me explain to you my story...

    January 2008
    - Tara leaves. Zombie Mod is left with Random as its only Jr. Owner. It slowly loses popularity and eventually dies in April.

    April 2008
    - ZM is completely dead.
    - Propmenu is added to the server by Siosios.

    June 2008
    - I am given FTP access for N/U servers. I set about trying to revive ZM.

    Summer 2008
    - Between June and August ZM gets some decent popularity. I play almost every day, however when me or another admin is not around, the server goes to the shitter and no1 plays.

    August 2008
    - I go to Canada. When I come back a couple weeks later, ZM is totally dead.
    - I go back to University for the fall.

    September 2008
    - Kami joins as an admin.

    Fall 2008
    - I work hard on populating ZM. I play for most of my free time to get the server going. During the week, if we had 8 people on at any point in time, it was a good day.
    - My grades began to suffer from me spending my time in the server when I should have been studying. I was the only person who populated the server on a daily basis, though Kami tried to help with that too. But by November I got worn out from constantly trying to get people in there with no real other help.

    November 2008
    - I am tired of trying to populate a server that remains dead without me and am ready to give up on it.
    - I no-steam the server as the last resort to populate the server.
    - The server explodes with players literally over night.
    - I spent a couple weeks working out the bugs with the anti-cheat and the ping kicker.

    That is the time line of the server. If we set the server back to normal, I will NOT spend my time trying to populate it, and without a significant time commitment from ALL other admins on the server, it will surely die. I am not going to waste my life trying to get people to join a server that for some reason does not attract players. I've tried running mostly lila panic and atix helicocksucker. I've tried cutting down the file download size to 15 MB. I've tried the public skins contest. I've tried nearly every new map released for Zombie Mod between June and December. I've tried escape maps. I've tried inviting other clans to come play on the server. I've tried posting the server IP in my maps which I release publicly and other servers play. I've tried advertising the server on different websites. I've tried sitting in the server all day every day, leaving my computer on over night to idle in it. I've tried inviting admins from other N/U servers to play in there to get the server going. I've tried adding the !weapons menu. I've tried the !propmenu. I've tried adding various other scripts to make the server more enjoyable.

    I'm tired of trying. I'm done. No one else has committed half as much time to the server as I have, and yet I could not succeed in populating it. I am done. If the rest of you want to volunteer to be on the server all day every day between yourselves, go ahead. But don't count me in. I'm done. If you really want me to put it back to the way it was, I will do it, but don't come crying to me when it goes to shit.[/SOAP]
    Last edited by Natalya; 12-20-2008 at 07:08 PM.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  4. #4
    Server Admin Trained Monkey
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    It's some great work you have done. ^^

    And if people are tired of the koreans cade breaking then don't go where they go...take a way they perhaps don't know.

    And mic spammers...mute them and if koreans annoy you just don't answer back and they will stop, that's what i've been doing and they don't bother me anymore.

    If everybody just did those things they wouldn't complain about them.

    Or simply don't play when they play.

  5. #5
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by X-Storm
    Or simply don't play when they play.

    They only can play at night, otherwise it kicks them. Also, the whole don't talk to them if they're talking... ALSO TRUE

    And Rey you're an admin, why don't you just ban the ones that cause problems?
    Last edited by Natalya; 12-20-2008 at 07:07 PM.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  6. #6
    Kung Fu Master
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    well guys i dont like the korean guys either
    but u have to be honest without the korean guys the server would be empty
    there would be no1 to play with and the server would die again and im pretty sure thats not what u want to happen right?
    @rey: i know what ur talking about im also tired of them braking the rules but ur an admin so just mute/kick/ban them and i also know its annoying if u have to do that most of the time ur in the server but its the only way
    thats why ur admin here
    and if any1 of the regs need an admin just add them on steam and/or xfire so u can talk to them if u need them
    like i said i dont like the koreans without being racist now but if we change the config back the server will probably die again and i think thats not what u want to happen right?




  7. #7
    Server Admin Trained Monkey
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    Yeah Sajora i've aleady added many of the admins, and i've never seen any koreans getting banned for breaking the rules many times...simply if they break the rules they should get the same punishment as other would have.

    But without the foreigners we wouldn't have a server where you almost always can play on with many players, like yesterday i had trouble getting in because there were always 38 players on.

  8. #8
    N/U Special Forces
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    nat is right the server really started dying this time last year but really hit the shiter around januray 08 (altough i droped out around late october early november last year for personal reasons)

    after tara left the sever got a total facelift propmenu,weapons menu, etc,etc
    and from what i read nat tries everything but after tara left all the regs droped out for good except nat,juu juu, dev, and me

    i come back around middle of summer of 08 and from time i come back till now i join as much as possible and play for hours straight after work but normaly noone would be on till round 7 or 8 and server would be dead during the day and like nat mentioned i would try and get ppl to join. i also apply for admin at about same time and get it a few weeks later but because my comp is old and needs a complete rebuild along with something better than the SHITTY WIRELESS I GOT i'm not able to play very much at all right now

    but getting back to the subject i also don't care for the koreans cause like i pointed out earlier they break every rule in the book without regard for how other players feel most time and i have tried banning them, kicking all but of a few of em
    and even muting everyone but the regs and a few others and the problem is that ya kick or ban em they just come right back or more to replace em and mutting only works temporay untill map change or more join and as far as cade breaking it's really hard for me personally to regulate cause it's not like you can just say JOHN DOE is cad breaking cause majority of there names are very simaliar maybe if we had a tranlator program to change there symbols into something we can see
    as a whole they are very hard to regulate

    but on the other hand i'm staddling the fence on this
    i don't want the sever to die completly cause this is my home and i have played this game so long now that zm is the only version i really like
    i say if people are still complaining that something still needs to be done than we need to pull toghther and figure it out together and stick with the end results

    I REALLY WISHED THAT THE N00B UNLIMTED COMMUNITY AS A WHOLE WOULD DEDICATE SOME TIME TO OUR SERVER SINCE IT'S THE ONLY ONE IN SERIOUS TROUBLE but as a whole the other admins and regulars of other servers pretty much stay on there side of the tracks with a few visting every now and than manly jack'd and organ donor
    but i honestly do belive that MAYBE JUST MAYBE if the OWNER'S, JR. OWNERS, OTHER ADMINS, AND REGULARS ALL PULLED TOGETHER we could maybe take the server back from the koreans hands and pull it out of the gutters since we are the ones paying for it
    but i am like nat i am almost at point of washing my hands of the whole damn thing and just doing what i have to do when i'm in server for me personally to be able to enjoy it!! and i'm pretty sure most of the other admins and nat feel the same way AND SAYING TO HELL WITH IT!!

    LIKE NAT MENTIONED EITHER A.LEAVE SERVER AS IS AND either don't play when there on or just do what you have to do to enjoy the game and get a admin in if necassary to regulate as best as he or she possibly can.

    or B.CHANGE SERVER BACK but be ready for the blood sweat and tears that it will problay take FROM NOT JUST THE ADMINS AND REGULARS OF ZM BUT OF THE N00B UNLIMITED COMMUNITY AS A WHOLE to keep it afloat and to bring fresh new faces and peronallty to the server and new ideas OTERWISE IT MIGHT TAKE SOME TIME BUT EVENTULLY IT WILL DIE AND BE TURND INTO SOMETHING ELSE OR THROWN AWAY COMPLETELY



  9. #9
    Sexiest Motha Fucka Alive N/U Commando
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    Quote Originally Posted by X-Storm
    It's some great work you have done. ^^

    And if people are tired of the koreans cade breaking then don't go where they go...take a way they perhaps don't know.
    They follow you every round, their like fuckin sheep...

    Quote Originally Posted by NatalyaAF
    And Rey you're an admin, why don't you just ban the ones that cause problems?
    I can only ban for so long and half the time the ban doesnt work. I use the sm_super menu, most of the time i get get an "sm_banip failed" Also some of em have names like "R0x0r" and there is 3-4 of em... so cant ban them because you get "More than one player with this name" ...
    DD [r] иα∂ιαٿ: and your pretty damn hot...just saying


  10. #10
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by X-Storm
    Yeah Sajora i've aleady added many of the admins, and i've never seen any koreans getting banned for breaking the rules many times...simply if they break the rules they should get the same punishment as other would have.
    TBH I ussually give them harsher punishments...

    Also, Sajora is one of the "foreigners" who plays on N/U.

    Quote Originally Posted by kamikaze_bad_ass

    I REALLY WISHED THAT THE N00B UNLIMTED COMMUNITY AS A WHOLE WOULD DEDICATE SOME TIME TO OUR SERVER SINCE IT'S THE ONLY ONE IN SERIOUS TROUBLE but as a whole the other admins and regulars of other servers pretty much stay on there side of the tracks with a few visting every now and than manly jack'd and organ donor
    You can't honestly blame them for not playing on ZM. It's completely different from all the other N/U servers and attracts a different demographic of players. Also, ZM is not the only server in trouble. We might have a serious admin shortage, but look at Office U... That server needs help more I'd say than does ZM.

    but i honestly do belive that MAYBE JUST MAYBE if the OWNER'S, JR. OWNERS, OTHER ADMINS, AND REGULARS ALL PULLED TOGETHER we could maybe take the server back from the koreans hands and pull it out of the gutters since we are the ones paying for it
    but i am like nat i am almost at point of washing my hands of the whole damn thing and just doing what i have to do when i'm in server for me personally to be able to enjoy it!! and i'm pretty sure most of the other admins and nat feel the same way AND SAYING TO HELL WITH IT!!

    LIKE NAT MENTIONED EITHER A.LEAVE SERVER AS IS AND either don't play when there on or just do what you have to do to enjoy the game and get a admin in if necassary to regulate as best as he or she possibly can.
    Note to everyone:
    We (Me and Random) are actively trying to get more admins so that the server can be policed more, so it's not like we're sticking our heads in the sand and doing nothing... It just takes some time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rey
    They follow you every round, their like fuckin sheep...

    I can only ban for so long and half the time the ban doesnt work. I use the sm_super menu, most of the time i get get an "sm_banip failed" Also some of em have names like "R0x0r" and there is 3-4 of em... so cant ban them because you get "More than one player with this name" ...
    The sheep comment is true.


    I posted a thread in admin chat that explains how to deal with these situations... For targeting players when they have similar names, type status in console and get their player number. It will be the first thing before their name, for example it might look something like:

    # 284 Natalya[AF] STEAM_0:6263457266585

    Well, if you wanted to kick me but there was also some jerk:

    # 312 (1)Natalya[AF] STEAM_0:84667567327

    You would use:

    sm_kick #284 "Mic Spamming"

    This would kick me not the (1) person. And yes, no space between the # and the number, even though it shows up with a space on the status list.

    If you get "sm_banip Failed." then here's what you do...

    Go to console, type sm_plist or in game type !players and then look at your console. You should see a similar list. It might be like this:

    2. R0x0r STEAM_0:0:0

    Just copy//pasta this and then go to n00bunlimited Bans and under admin panel, click the red X that says bans, and add the ban. Just select to ban by IP not Seam ID from the drop-down.
    Last edited by Natalya; 12-20-2008 at 07:09 PM.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

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