1: must be a responsible member of the community. (in the forums and in game) Responsible yes, active I am currently active only in game. I browse forums often, yet rarely post. If I need to be active as far as posting goes, then Im sure I can do that (without spamming of course)
2: clear minded thought proccess and thinks before he/she says or acts on anything. Yes, I do believe I have a clear minded thought process as I try to see any situation from all sides.
3: must have the ability to help the community with donations. Not too sure about this one. I might be able to help, but I might not.
4: has to be 18 years of age or older (some exceptions are made but not many) Woohoo, I turned 18 last January.
5: has played on the servers for at least 3 months. Yeah.
6: knows the rules of the servers. Yeah, I have them memorized by heart (Not really, but it does look good on an application). Honestly though, I know them.
7: must be able to learn things as explained to him/her the first time. Yeah, if you show me something/tell me something I can learn it the first time.
8: must have the willingness to do his job in game rather then ignore the players and continue playing. I love being admin on servers. I love banning hackers. I love taking demo's before banning (honestly.)
9: should be seen helping enforcing the rules. Yeah, I make sure cade breakers get kicked/banned and I've submitted demos of hackers/micspammers/little kids on the mic before.
10: must Have Xfire. Yes. Dot can confirm this.
11: must have the Ventrillo client and know how to connect and participate in our Ventrillo server. Know how to connect : Yes. Participate in Ventrillo : I didn't know N/U had a ventrillo server :/
12: references from admins you play with a plus but not mandatory. Not sure if any admins would like to give me any references. I should've asked a few before I posted this, but if any admins would like to recommend me as admin then I'd be more than appreciative.
13. Not have admin on any other server, or owner of there own pub server. Nope. I used to be admin on the PK server, but my PSU in my computer died and I was off the server for two weeks. Came back, admin was gone, and the server owner didnt remember me. So I'll probably be leaving PK soon too.

14. Reason for application (I just had to add it) It seems that EVERY time there's a cade breaker, or a mic spammer, or anyone breaking the rules there isn't an admin around. Sure, some of the time there is. But most of the time there isn't. I'm on at odd times of the day, but maybe I'd be able to fill the gap that's there when an admin isn't online.