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Thread: Server Plugins & Gameplay Thread

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  1. #1
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    Default Server Plugins & Gameplay Thread

    Current Server Features
    • Roleplay Round Handler
      This makes the round never end and lets certain admins reset the map. This also prevents most friendly fire between Government Officials and Police Officers.

    • Class Menu
      Choose a player class based upon team. Teams can inter-communicate with Radio chat (use team chat button) and can convey ownership of doors or vehicles to each other. In example, a config file sets the Government team has access to the doors in City Hall while the Rogues own the Night Club.

      Classes have four special settings -- Rank, Ability to be Assassinated, Salary, and Player Model. For example, the Mayor has Rank 1 on the Government team, can be assassinated, looks like Ichigo or Sailor Moon (depending on player's selected gender) and earns $1000 each pay cycle. Since he is rank 1 he can demote people off of the Government team, but if they get assassinated instead of re-spawning as mayor they will be a citizen.

      This plugin also handles inter-player financial transactions. Type !bank to see how much money you have in your bank account. To put some in, use !deposit or to take some out use !withdraw. If you have money in your bank you can give some to another player with !debitcard while looking at that player. Example:
      !debitcard 500
      If you looked at someone, it would give them $500.

      Door ownership is also handled by this. If you look at a door you can type !door for a list of commands. If you have access to it you can press slow-walk to lock or unlock it while looking at it. Right click with knife tells you if you have access to a door. All of this applies to vehicles as well, but not sliding doors. You will get taxed every time you get paid for the doors you own, but not cars.

    • Item Pack
      Use !item to open the item pack. You can buy guns, health, and body armour. If you go into Inventory you can see them, and do a number of things... If you drop health or armour, it will spawn as a physics prop on the ground in front of you. Type !pickup while looking at it to put it in your inventory. In this way items can be bought and sold. As for guns, to put them back into inventory type !holster_p for your primary weapon, or !holster_s for your secondary weapon.

    • Car Menu
      If you want you can buy a car by typing !car_menu and buying one there. Then you can check your garage and either spawn the car in game or change it's colour. If it's in game you can use !car_stow while sitting inside it to put it back in your garage. Even if you don't, when you disconnect the game will remember your car for you anyway. To sell your car, you can use the forfeit command in the car menu. This spawns your car, but it is no longer owned by you. Whoever hops in it and type !car_stow will now own the car.

    Needs to be Done:
    - Sell Cars to server or Forfeit them in game for players
    - Automatic car ownership
    - Contraband (Money Printers, etc...)
    - Lock Picks for Item Pack
    - Multiple Passenger Support for Cars
    - 3rd Person while Driving (If Possible)
    - View car driver and passengers
    - Car Horn
    - Brake Light Support
    - Head Light Support
    - Help Menu
    - Prices for stuff, and quantity
    - Prop Menu Plugin
    - Better skins for different classes
    Progress Made
    - Auto team-ownership of certain doors as dictated by a config file
    - Government players spawn as CT
    - FF Disabled for CT's (Government)
    - Arrest (Jail) Command for Police
    - Handcuffing support
    Progress Made
    - Warrant Command for Mayor
    - Prison Cell detection (for Arrest Command)
    Last edited by Natalya; 05-17-2010 at 10:47 AM.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

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