Quote Originally Posted by kamikaze_bad_ass View Post
hello and welcome back south glad ya made it thou boot camp (hope it wasn't in Paris Island,SC) cause i've had freinds go thou there
i know ya prob don't know me cause i stay in zm mostly but i just came back from being awol a few mos back
also are ya home on tempory leave or are ya bout ta be shipped out to a base or going overseas? IF YA ARE DO AMERICA PROUD

naww kamikaze i went to San Diego at MCRD(Marine Corp Recruit Depot), paris island woulda sucked at the time if i woulda gone there, right now im on boot leave for ten days, then im on RA(recruiters assistance) for 28 days because SOI/MCT(School of Infantry / Marine Combat Training) is not taking any new marines until after the holidays, i report for SOI/MCT on January 13, 2009 for more combat training so its gonna be a pretty crazy new year