I'm Vetman and i used to play on the N/U servers under handle dP_VeT for at least a little while. Love your servers BTW. There's quite a bit I would like to say....

1: Jochs does not cheat and never will cheat, I have known him for years and i know for a fact he does not cheat at cs:s, or any game for that matter. any shots he makes are usually based on sound/luck because we all know jochs isn't good enough to actually hit people with his crappy aim.

2: jochs "jokes" around a lot, no pun intended, (although i thought it was pretty crafty). Most of the things he says can sound 'ass-holish' but that's just his personality. I remember times playing in the server where people get slammed all the time over the microphone, no one gets banned for it and certainly not for months at a time. why should jochs?

3: i realize you guys have this little 'utopia' of servers where 30 year old males can come and play for hours after work every day trying to 'have fun', but give me a break, if your online and can't take heat for being terrible or making terrible plays, you probably shouldn't be playing source. If you go out and play basketball and you suck at basketball, your gonna need to learn to take heat before you get good. Respect comes with skill and hard work, earn people's respect through dedication.

4: The situation itself is funny because you actually posted joch's ban on the forums as a sort of 'testament' example, almost like a trophy on how you've managed to make the community a better place by banning a loudmouth player like spanker. When if anyone was decent at the game, you would know that by putting a few deagle bullets in his brain and racking on him with a few negative comments, you will quickly make him leave the server in disgust (he gets frustrated easily). i do it to him all the time because jochs is a terrible cs player.

2 comments on people, trying to stay neutral here:

1: Penetrator, your admin power is an abusive one, to be quite honest I've been admins in many places for many years and i do know one thing, you dont threaten to ban relatives of people from someplace just because your mad at someone that's related to them. That's the most dishonorable, underhanded method of handling justice I've ever seen. In fact i would relate your regime to tyrannical in nature after seeing your little 'threat' about how you would ban legend if 'jochs' came back, like they have this big scheme to ruin your little utopia you have going....gimme a break sir.

2: jochs im your friend, but you can be a dumbass, in fact you are one, quit nagging on the forums over them banning you, if they want they could ban you for being from texas and there's nothing you can do about it. And quit dissing on typos of other peoples post, you have more typos in 1 message than the rest of the responses on this thread combined.

Again, I win, GG.