I haven't been on GG much recently because I've been pulling in long shifts and taking care of the wifeypoo (who is constantly with morning sickness which is getting kind of worrying) and when i do i usually do it incognito (as organ has found out recently lol) because i am there to blow off steam, the only thing i can say to new admins is this:

Ya gotta get control of some of the mic spammers. I'm a huge fan of the mic when I'm in a good mood, but jesus christ i go in there nowadays and I want to stuff my ears with cotton balls its so intense.

Other than that in my short times in the server the admins have been joking around with regs, pubs, newbs alike and being very patient with irritants and n00bs teaching them the ropes and things like that.

oh and whoever added the "ass and titties" sound...you are my hero...

oh and damn the arcade area of the forums..I come on my computer to play in the servers and i get goddamnned hooked on arcade games on the forums first