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Thread: Palin Interview (teehee)

  1. #1
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    Default Palin Interview (teehee)

    Pastiez: I OWN YOU
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  2. #2
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

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    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  3. #3
    Inactive Trailor Trash
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    shun the non-believer!!!! shun!! shun!!!

  4. #4
    Trailor Trash
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    Funny. But...I'd rather vote for her then the black guy.

    Obama/Biden: Take money from the smart people who earned it, to give to the stupid, lazy, fat beggars of America. Let them eat cake!!!

    If I have to vote for someone who believes in an imaginary friend, so be it.


  5. #5
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    Looks like someone bought into neo-liberal rhetoric and the ability narrative without actually evaluating either of them...

    Path you just made the sweeping suggestions that:

    A: All rich people got there via hard work
    B: All poor people are poor because they are lazy

    Now it's a very dangerous thing to subscribe to binaries like this because of all the exceptions to the rule. Here are a bunch of people who do not fit those two categories:

    - People who win the lottery and become rich without working much and were genuinely lazy.
    - People born into rich families who inherited money from their parents.
    - People who worked hard and got stable corporate jobs, only to learn that the company they were working for was Enron and suddenly their lives were ruined because of its collapse.
    - People who were born poor, joined the armed forces becuase it was their only way out of poverty//not enough opportunities, and got PTSD from serving in Vietnam, and could never get a job again because of this, then wound up on the streets. (At least 1 in 3 homeless people are veterans. 45% of these veterans suffer from a mental illness, like PTSD)

    Needless to say I could rattle off a bunch of other groups of people who are poor and were not lazy, or a bunch of people who are rich but didn't earn their wealth all by themselves. Additionally, since the 70's social programs have only been cut up by neo-liberalism (A set of economic policies which is neither new nor liberal. It's a misleading name.) while corporations have received more tax breaks and subsidies than ever before, and whole industries were privatized so now major corporations run them. 1% of the U.S. population as of March this year is either in jail or on parole, due in large part to Regan selling prisons to private corporations, then paying those corporations based on how many prisoners they have to run the facilities. This means that these companies, working FOR PROFIT, are locking people up. Therefore there is a PROFIT MOTIVE to put people in jail. If that doesn't sound fucked up to you then I don't really think I should even bother talking to you about this.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  6. #6
    Server Admin N/U Marine easytarget's Avatar
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    Blah blah blah on both sides.

    Both mainstream candidates will not do anything to help or "change" our current situation now. As crazy as he is, I'd vote for Ron Paul over any of these chumps. Just watching him chew out Allen Greenspan made me laugh so hard ("I see you have not taken my advice to resign your position"...lmao). Let's cut government spending (which neither candidate will do), decrease the deficits we have, get rid of this income tax bullshit (get flat tax or fair tax, whatever you want to call it), lead by example (take a better look at how we handled foreign policy), and get rid of our stupid social security. I am paying taxes on some retarded thing that I will never get when I am older so basically im paying for the government's overspending because they cannot comprehend the idea of a "lockbox". There are too many I.O.Us and something needs to be done by it. We need to pay off our debts because China basically has the US by the balls right now and if they want us to do something, we have to comply or they will sell off all of our bonds (which they bought because we keep selling them) and welp, there goes our currency (the dollar). Luckily for us, we buy everything from China anyways so they do not want to hurt our economy, so that is why this sustained debt is okay with the retarded mainstream candidates. So get smart and next time guys, let's get to know who will actually do something about this!

    But for this time around, I think I would vote Obama because he can bring a nation together with his eloquence and demeanor. There are a shit ton of things I do not like about him but I do not trust the Republicans anymore with what they have done in the government and their overspending (my biggest issue).


  7. #7


    - People who were born poor, joined the armed forces becuase it was their only way out of poverty//not enough opportunities, and got PTSD from serving in Vietnam, and could never get a job again because of this, then wound up on the streets. (At least 1 in 3 homeless people are veterans. 45% of these veterans suffer from a mental illness, like PTSD)

    That is the VA's fault. I am ex navy and work hard for my money. I make good money and refuse to vote for a guy who has no clue how to run a military and wants to raise my taxes a cubic ass ton to pay for all of his retarded ass programs. I personally wanted Huckabee bc he supported the fair tax.

  8. #8
    Trailor Trash
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    "Looks like someone bought into neo-liberal rhetoric and the ability narrative without actually evaluating either of them..."

    Well, actually, no. I'm a libertarian who focuses my decision based on the tax code proposal. I actually READ and figure out how much each candidate is going to cost me. I run a bussiness that employs about 12 people (all getting full benifits and health coverage I might add), and so it's just practical sense to look deeper into the issues. Obama's plan clearly states that he'll reverse the Bush tax cuts and my Federal Tax rate will go up 40% (meaning the government gets 40cents of every dollar right off the top). But that's only the start of the big screw! He's taking away the Medicare/Social Security cap (the cap which exists now means you only have to pay the 8% tax for the first 100K you make, then it goes away)! So that means everyone will have to pay the 8% tax for as much as they make. Oh yeah! It's a "matched tax" meaning your employer matches this payment to the government! Oh yeah! I'M MY OWN EMPLOYER SO I PAY BOTH HALVES! That means I get to pay the whole 15% rate for my income! Party time!

    Let's recap! At this point, the Obama plan is to change my federal tax rate to 55%! State income tax anyone? Sales tax anyone? Anyone pay real estate taxes? If Obama get's elected, I'll be lucky to keep 30 cents for every dollar I make past 200K. I was thinking of expanding my bussinss (to make more money of course, but it would also create new jobs), but if Obama gets elected, forget that! Why work so hard if the government is just gonna take it away? Great! The tax plan is encourageing lazyness! Malthus was right!!!

    Now for the fun part:

    "People who win the lottery and become rich without working much and were genuinely lazy."
    People who play and win the lottery are usually stupid. It's a 'stupid tax' if you think about it. Track them 5 years later and they're mostly divorced, poor, and owe a crap load of back taxes. Ironic, huh?

    "People born into rich families who inherited money from their parents."
    You got me here. But they tend to be a well educated lot? I'm sure Obama would fix this by forcing everyone to give all thier money to the government upon thier death. That'd be more fair, right?

    "People who worked hard and got stable corporate jobs, only to learn that the company they were working for was Enron and suddenly their lives were ruined because of its collapse."
    Get another job? Work some more? Take it from me, losing your job doesn't 'ruin' your life. Neither does a house fire that destroys everything you own. Trust me, I've been through both. Why should they get any of my money? I really don't get it.

    "People who were born poor, joined the armed forces becuase it was their only way out of poverty//not enough opportunities, and got PTSD from serving in Vietnam, and could never get a job again because of this, then wound up on the streets."
    I know this isn't patriotic, but in my opinion, people who join the military lack sense. I mean, this is a job where people will shoot real guns at you! I was 'born poor', grew up in a trailer park, and took the way out that is given to every American. Instead of goofing off, I studied. Itstead of going to parties on the weekends, I took a 2nd and 3rd job. I borrowed insane amounts of money to get through many, many years of school (120K to be specific). I put off all the fun things in life to work for a better life. Now Obama is telling me I have to also pay for all those who were TOO FAT, LAZY, OR STUPID to do the same. Rewarding unwise or flat out stupid behavior is conterproductive.

    The really sad thing Nat is that 98% of the American people have no clue how the government works, aquires money and spends it. Democrat or Republican won't change most of the issues the left are most venting about. The war in Iraq might end, but another will take it's place. The ecomomy? It'll continue to suck for a while. How much should I have to pay? I thought last year's tax bill was my fair shair. Obama didn't think so though. He want's more.


    PS: Who goes to prison these days anyways??? Meth addicts? Dumb asses? Don't even get me started on the prison systems. Follow the law. It's not that complicated. While you may find the fact that people profiting from running prisons offensive, I find paying for room, board, food, and cable TV for the guy that murdered my cousin equally unpalatable. Legalize marijana and we'll set free the only people I feel sorry for. The rest can rot.

  9. #9
    Trailor Trash
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    LOL Easy!

    Another libertarian! Hallelujah! I maxed out my campaign contribution to Ron Paul! But the evil forces denied him.


    PS: Psst! Easy! Congress controls the budget! Who controls Congress?

  10. #10
    Server Admin N/U Marine easytarget's Avatar
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    I guess im libertarian but I do not like their candiate "Bob Barr". Who knows? I was born into a democratic family so it is a 50/50 chance I will go for Obama or Barr.


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