Quote Originally Posted by Jackd View Post
Listen I didn't start this thread to start anything. I was just wondering if you guys were still active.

The reason why I asked was because I don't see many people in the servers with the KYS tag anymore, I never see anyone in TS using the channels we have created, and the section of the forums have been dead as well.

I think its a great idea to support a clan to help population and get the name out I was just wondering if I needed to go shopping for another clan to support. It's nothing personal against anyone. If anyone understands that there is a whole world out there besides here, I would be one of them.
Pope,Robby, and forgot the 3rd guy are the only one's who wear the tag now

I wear my Black Ops clan tag. Shotgun your just bullshitting, if you did scrim with kYs, who came to scrim with you? To be honest I say kinda it's done.