Quote Originally Posted by Natalya View Post
I don't have a problem with the FKS. I'll let you know a few things though:

A: I won't give kick power to FKS unless it's something where the people I give it to are VIP donors and approved by me and the other admins and given formal admin training. If you have admin powers of any sort you are representing N/U and you will be held accountable for your actions. Players in the server need to know that anyone with admin powers can be held accountable if they abuse them.

B: What is needed in the MotD? I can update it from school or work or home anytime.
Uh "No Prop killing" "Car Rampaging" "Saying g**" < your rule. Uh the admins on the bottom of the main page. The new commands.

I approve on Double to gain kick powers and he isn't VIP.