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Thread: ;D^2 Free Kill Patrol (FKP) back up!

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  1. #1


    Truthfully, there are more of requests but there are over-options
    1. Plugin for auto-ban for 10 minutes if cuffed and d/ced.
    a. its 10 because if the server crashes, 10 minutes isnt a lot of time to be scared about and 10 minutes would be a lot to an impatient freekiller so 10 minutes is a good auto-ban minute number
    2.The people recruited are going to have to pass a test (which I will improvise on). Trust me, it will be easy as hell to understand if ur qualified or not depending on your answer.
    3. Propmenu freekills
    a. We need to limit the "remove prop" function to the public. We need to limit it to people who are responsible (FKS) so in the case of prop killing we can delete the prop weapons OR in the case of a random noob who wants to be an ass deleting all the props, wouldn't be possible if he/she is not in FKS.
    4. We will record freekillers and submit forms without being lazy as hell since I've known so many freekillers but I'm too lazy to type out their steam ID (since u cant copy and paste) and make a .rar file of the .dem and stuff
    5. THE MAJOR MAJOR thing which would be helpful as ****
    a. Kick function
    - meaning all FKS members will have the ability to kick someone who isn't listening. Remember how I said I will test recruits? This would deny rage kickers and anything bad in giving kick ability to FKS members since we are responsible. BTW, I recruited Natalya into the group so she can regulate members as an admin. plus shes server owner which is a ^2 in my book.
    (this is an optional request (#5) so if you dont think it would work, dont give it to FKS)
    6. Also if you want to join, respond in this thread or meet me in game (repeated on purpose)
    a. please do not get mad if you dont get in, I have my reasons. MOTD is so complex because some rules arent actually in it but I will teach if you pass the test.
    ~so storm good enough? :P~
    P.S. Though this isn't a letter, if you are wondering why I got banned once (by storm) its a long story. DW about it. It was a joke by cookie since he was being an ass for a week. lol
    -^2 out
    sorry for double post. but I dont want to get penalized for saying Natalya was recruited because all I did was invite her at this moment in time. Sorry^2
    Last edited by DoubleSmileyFace; 10-12-2010 at 04:05 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

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