I was under the impression you guys just needed/wanted more trustworthy admins that are active and dont abuse. I now see that its in lack of a better description just a way to "sell" admin.

I would donate out of the kindness of my heart to suppport the community i play in and that was my plan but i will not pay for admin. I have my own server box and have hosted my own css servers for years along with other games. Hell i have custom mods were i can turn into a half life 2 helicopter and fire missles that i can make as big and strong of a explosion as i want and team kill and kill everyone on they map I chose to stop running it because its not a big deal to me anymore id rather have my bandwidth for DLing torrents and not have to worry about lagging out my servers players.

My point is ive had my many years of fun with admin and running servers.

Admin is not fun its a responsibility, as of now i come into the server and have fun and i pay nothing, now i could start paying money AND have to stop what im doing to deal with assholes that come in to ruin other peoples fun... gotta admit that doesnt make much sence in reality:P Maybe worth it to other people who have never had admin and thinks it cool or w/e.

So i guess if you need/ want a reliable active admin that doesnt abuse feel free to use me, and i will donate when i can because i want to support the community i play in. But i will not pay for admin thats just silly to me .