shotgun....shotgun....shotgun....dude look, i have gotten into MANY MANY fist fights with friends of mine, and %80 of them i am still friends with because life goes on and sometimes friends will always be friends no matter what happens. Especially my sisters boyfriend, i have known that mother fucker for over 6 years now , he is actually the one who introduced me into CSS, anyways, we were drinking one night and he tried to choke my sister, and a week or so b4 that my sister said he was beating her, so that night when i saw him do that i wooped his ass up and down the driveway, not ONE SCRATCH on me at all! he was very fucked up, bruised up and bleeding, since HE was in the wrong, cops took HIM to jail and since he IS my sisters boyfriend and baby daddy, when he got out of jail, he apolagized to me for what he did and we moved on.

ALSO, you NEVER, EVER EVER EVER wanna back down from a fight, then you just look like a pussy, and we made fun of kids like that in HS. So basically, if you DO see him outside of work, and he starts shit, talk shit back, and if he swings at you first, punch him in the chest ( mainly where the abs are, if you hit hard enough he wont be able to breathe much) then instantly punch him in the jaw, then use your leg to get him on the ground, then lay it into him, this has NEVER failed outa the 6 or 7 fights i used this technique in.