Quote Originally Posted by DoT View Post
As i stated in that thread"

You messaged me with the hacker link like literally 1 minute after asking me why the spawn points are delayed.
There was no sign off/on in between that. If someone did hack your account you would have signed off and back on.
I will not unban you as in my eyes you were trying to hack me.

You may still pray to the g0ds to see it that you are unbanned.

- Dotty

EDIT: I have also NEVER seen valve do anything in 2 hours (or even 2 days). So there is no way you could have gotten your hijacked account back in a matter of 2 hours.

My thread --> 5 hours ago (6ish)
Whiskers thread (This one) --> 3 hours ago (8ish)

That is not true at all, my account was hijacked, it was regained in an hour and forty-six minutes, Also, i dont think Otter would do any thing like this, i dont think many people do, i may be wrong, but He is a loyal member to n/u i can tell that much, also, using links, is in fact, NOT hacking, it is known as phishing, and phishing cant screw up a server.