ok, like onehit said, msg admins that are on if there isn't one in-game. i myself haven't played there since the recent updates (been busy with work and school. just finished finals and have my first summer class starting on monday) but will try to jump in there more.

as for banning ppl, i'm with smurf and hell on this. it's getting popular, awesome. KEEP it popular by not getting ridiculous with the bans. warn them, explain the rules and IF necessary, kick. if they continue to break rules, start out with an hour ban, then work your way up. if it's really out of control with one of these ppl, we can then consider a perma ban. but i'd like to try and keep the server as popular and populated as possible.

how exactly is frosty stealing ppl's money? i don't understand how he is able to do this. can someone explain this to me?