eh..... dj knows the rules, and I have played with him in the server and never had a problem outta him. so that one I dont understand.... the other I have never seen.... what classes were they??? I mean if it was renegade vs rogue.... hell I went on a rogue killing spree myself the other day.... dunno just didnt like the way they looked at me... now I did have a guy in there the other day constantly bitching about people killing him but would completely ignore the new life rule and would come back everytime going after whoever killed him. I got the others to understand not to kill without reason. and they stopped. I guess I am a little more lenient with a lot of shit when I am there because 1 its new to css (thanks to nat ) and people have to learn. 2 Personally I see a lot of "fine lines" with the rules and people can come up with some good reasons to do this and that and use reasons for what some consider breaking the rules... others would consider being creative and get more involved. of course Im not saying just go around shootin shit up just to be killing... but I catch another rogue in my house! Im breaking out the ak and puttin em back out the door then calling out the WHOLE gang! :P lol

BUT yea as far as this ban these guys.... personally I say no. its a new server still in the works and people are just starting to learn it. now if someone is just doing shit just to be a dick and ruin others days maybe but give it time and try and help all new guys to understand how the server works. and try and be nice when explaining the rules. Dont just come out bitching right out the gate at the person. I dont know about you but I dont respond well to this so I wouldnt expect anyone else too either.....
and wtf am I going on about now... put in 70 hrs this week and honestly cant remember where the fuck I was going with this post and Im just rambling on and on and on and on and on and on and on........
Fuck it! Im going to bed.......