Ok, I have read most of this thread and as the owner of Noob Asylum, the only thing I have said negative towards N/U, is that Pasties is a fucking moron. I have spoken to him twice and both times he has shown his immaturity to myself. I have nothing against the community as itself and I have NEVER condoned or encouraged recruiting from your servers. People have mentioned it to me, not mentioning names, but I have just said, "No, we are a young and developing server, our servers will start to fill and we will get regulars eventually."

I love how you all are talking shit about us already. We have done nothing wrong. We heard deuce's story and saw the presentation, that we assumed he showed to you, but we never took judgment. We lol'd whenever deuce talked shit about you guys, but then again, deuce is a funny guy.

And where do you guys get off saying we are thinking we can start a community overnight? We have been around quite a few and know what to do and what not to do. We don't assume to start immediately and understand it takes time. We are mature and experienced players.

The NU regulars that have came into our servers have bitched about the community and we, as in the other upper admins and I, never really commented on it much. You all are another community, that is all. We don't expect a friendship, but also don't want to see immediate hostility for nothing.

Burrito is a fucking retard and him trying to recruit is not my doing. I can't really control him. Also, our servers are not loaded down with a ton on one box. Please don't talk shit if you don't know details. Yes, we have some problems, but we are a new community and are trying to get minor problems and kinks fixed. If you have any problems, nothx is my xfire or email me at no@noobasylum.net.
