point in case.

Monday or so, we were on that pool map and the nextmap was something they didnt like, before the map even ended some are just sittin in spec and your seein votemap fly through the chatbox! I was like god damnit...if i dont votemap theyll all bitch and leave, so we ended up votemapping to shotty.
I honestly dont think there is a way to fix the map problem. And the admin problem doesnt exist since freebase is in there half of his life and most regs have myself and other admins on their friendslist.
Perhaps a more pro-gg active jr owner needs to take action, no offense to organ, but i think gg ran best when drink and smurf were jr owners because of their activity there. It slowly whithered away after they both left.
The whitelist that blocked all the hackers pissed the cheating regs off, most of them resent n/u now.

If nothing i said makes sense its cuz im high as fuck just rambling on in study hall lol. Ill prolly edit this when i get home.
