Quote Originally Posted by Sajora View Post
believe it or not but id say another problem is the bad behavior of a lot of regs there. just a few days ago ive heard from someone that they tried to voteban someone just cause the ping was high but that person was from germany (no not me) and that person was not lagging. if you have played on gg im sure some of you noticed that ppl start votebanning, votekicking, votemuting someone just cause they dont like a person. imo thats not a good base to get new regs.
Ive Had the same problem with the regs in here when it used to be more populated.
was votebannned because i didnt want to knife i think, or they thought i was aimbotting or something.. i came back in with betts in the name, and they where like betts... u shoulda told us it was u.... i laughed then left again. but yea i could see how this would not be good for gaining more peeps.