Just my 2cents but YOU guys bitch and cry and moan about spawn protection alil too much. What about those faggot ass ct's who camp on every single building with an awp? YEAH and you guys cry about spawn killing. Fact is When I kill you and I see that your being alil cunt with an awp Imma make your ass regret it. You know who you are.

T's are stuck inside a fucking house meanwhile CT's are stuck outside. T's have to go through hell just to get into ct spawn where ct's will throw multiple nades just to fuck us over. we gotta jump out those mother fucking windows just to get to you guys and we lose health too. Not to mention how many CT's I gotta plow through just to get to your spawn. Plus their are ct's with an awp and they are just building hugging. (you know who you are)

So I think its pretty fair.