LMFAO! I like yours Smurf haha!

Kami your's are awesome too! I think this thread will be a blast and a half!

ok... So three guys are on a ship. Well this huge storm comes and they end up ship wrecked on an island! They end up getting captured by some natives and they are taken to the cheif. The cheif says "I will let you three men live... but you have to pass a test first!" The three men jump on the chance to live and take the test. The chief sends them out in the woods to bring back as much of one kind of fruit they can find.

Well after a few hours the first guy comes back with two handfuls of grapes. The chief orders him to remove his pants and bend over. The chief stuffs the grapes up his ass one by one, and after all the grapes are up in his ass the chief says, "ok you pass you can live." Hours later the second guy comes back and he as two apples in his hands. The chief orders him to remove his pants and bend over, the chief stuffs the two apples up his ass, all the while the second man is laughing.... the chief asks "Why are you laughing so hard?" The second man says " I passed the thrid guy and he was carring a watermelon!"
