jacked. noogy. and every one else i guess....

yes i know my typing and spelling are a bit off. my bad.

i didn't mean to personally attack Cogbern. (Cog when you read this sorry it it came across that way). but the way i feel about what he says still stands. i've been at NU for a LONG time. i've been playing here sense i first bought CSS. Mama and believe it or not Drakma helped me become a better gamer. i have seen a lot of very good people and admins come and go (yes i'm glad drakma is gone) because of little (for lack of a better expression) "childish" reasons. we as admins would get reprimanded for trying to do our best in the servers and lo and behold we piss someone off and they complain about it. then it come back on us admins. F that. i PAID to be admin and to have some notion as to how the servers and community should function. and well not much was ever done. so i'm done, being admin at least.
Pasties and SIO are great people. and same to all the other people i've come to know over the years.
I will always play on NU GG. but i do like some other servers honestly i have never looked for other servers till i saw theses going down hill. And it seamed at the time nothing i tried to do to fix worked or was considered. which is fine, i don't own the hardware or pay for the pipe to the net.

over the years i've seen the ups and down at NU. but never have i seen the servers this empty.

you all have my e-mail or steam if you wana chat just let me know.


p.s. it' wasn't ment to be a rant it's more like depressed to see them this way.
p.p.s and to who ever banned Lf silenced, you were wrong in doing so.
He is a KID. and his reflexes are much better then us older peoples. so some regulars complain about him. yes he talks on the mic. NO MORE so than any other player.