Ehh Doc, that chicken one... It's fucking hilarious, but is completely unfair and bullshit because you don't know where the hitboxes are... I've played on a server with that one and it was funny but you could never kill whoever was using the skin unless you threw nades at them or just para spammed.

Umm, on the matter of admin skins in general, it works like this... Sios decides what goes on for the Dust 2 servers, Pasties is the decider for both of the Office servers, Enderless for Death Match, Ice Bitch for Gun Game, and then since there aren't any Jr. Owners for ZM at the moment, I seem to have dominion there for the time being. Pasties and Ice don't want skins for their servers, so unless you can convince them to allow skins, those servers are a no-go. But uhh if you find a skin you do like, you gotta convince the respective Owner or Jr. Owner to approve it, and if they do I can add the skin. So find a skin you like, figure out which server you want it on, and then get with that server's leader person about it. If they say okay, then you can come to me and I'll actually set it up.