This is a major problem... this is even why GunGame lost the 'rtv' function because of idiotic people doing this.

What we should consider doing is getting rid of the votemap system as well, at least until players can be more respectful. Sadly this would cause some maps that players don't like to be played but they could use the variety anyways, Run-N-Gun 4 times in a row kinda seems pointless.

Hmm, this is also just a random, putting it out there thought, I've seen in other server that i've visited where they had some setup where the winner of the GunGame round got to pick from about a list of 5 or 6 maps what the nextmap will be. It was very effective because not only did it stop people from playing maps that the majority of players hate, it also cause players to strive to win so they would/could have the advantage of what map will they play on. Whats good about this is the map that the winner picked wouldn't appear on rotation (or the winner map selection) until a minimum of 6 maps being played between them. That to would help prevent playing the same map 4-5 times in a row.

Again that was just some random thought and suggestion.

Have a wonderful day and see you in the servers!