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  1. #1
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by badfish View Post
    u can go to the keigan website and ask that question but as far as forcing certain console commands KAC makes sure everything is set to the LEGIT standard
    This was my anti-cheat, not Kigen's.

    And DoT last I checked you aren't an admin. And I'm the one with the admin list.

    Breaker if you think you're innocent find a way to get sv_cheats 1 without hacking such that a server would ban you for it. If you can do that and then I can replicate it and get banned by my plugin then you're off the hook. But until that happens the ban stays. Like rjk said... You can't just type sv_cheats 1 into console and get banned. It's more sophisticated than that.
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  2. #2
    CaNNoN fOddEr Kung Fu Master SmurfSniper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NatalyaAF View Post
    This was my anti-cheat, not Kigen's.

    according to nat it was her plugin.... and Im still jr owner

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    not talking to you. i know u are



  4. #4
    The Soopa Koopa Troopa N/U Marine
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    Wow you people are pretty pissy about this whole thing... Anyways no peice of software is 100%, I'd rather trust someone I know over a peice of software. Its nothing against Nat in this case it just happens. If Vac was a 100% we wouldn't need other anti cheats, and we've had problems with Kac before as well, and that is a much more in depth peice of software. I am not saying anything, I'm just asking questions. If you can't take critisim you should go hide under a fucking rock, and people stick up for their friends. Frankly I find it pethetic that you all threw breaker out no questions asked. Are we a comunnity or just a bunch of people out to play css, becuase that is what I have seen over the last couple of months. I can understand why we have anti cheats, I can understand why we trust them. But why the hell would we trust them over an admin we know, without fucking at least asking one fucking question, is beyond me.
    Soopa Koopa Troopa
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  5. #5
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by AwpsandKnives View Post
    Wow you people are pretty pissy about this whole thing... Anyways no peice of software is 100%, I'd rather trust someone I know over a peice of software. Its nothing against Nat in this case it just happens. If Vac was a 100% we wouldn't need other anti cheats, and we've had problems with Kac before as well, and that is a much more in depth peice of software. I am not saying anything, I'm just asking questions. If you can't take critisim you should go hide under a fucking rock, and people stick up for their friends. Frankly I find it pethetic that you all threw breaker out no questions asked. Are we a comunnity or just a bunch of people out to play css, because that is what I have seen over the last couple of months. I can understand why we have anti cheats, I can understand why we trust them. But why the hell would we trust them over an admin we know, without fucking at least asking one fucking question, is beyond me.
    Awps, I've been asking myself this. I'd love it if there was something wrong and he did indeed get banned by accident. But I've double-checked the coding and I've looked at all the information associated with the ban and I haven't found anything to indicate that his ban was a false positive. The only strange thing in Breaker's case is that it seems that instead of changing sv_cheats to 1, the hack he had somehow set sv_cheats to not have a value -- 1, 0, or otherwise. I don't know wtf kind of hack needs to do that but I don't write hacks so I'm not the person to ask on that one. But his sv_cheats was not set to 0 like every single non-hacking player and because of that he got banned.

    Anyway, I spent over a week on this plugin testing it and whatnot and I NEVER got a false positive before I uploaded it. NsAC is a heavily modified version of the VBAC anti-cheat with extra protection built in to make sure that it doesn't give false positives even when server admins change server variables around, so I really don't know wtf could have happened that it would ban him if he wasn't hacking.

    Now, again, the only people who should be posting here are Jr. Owners, me, Owners, and Breaker, so everyone else plz gtfo unless you have some piece of information that applies to this. If you are a skilled coder and you really want to look over the coding of my NsAC plugin send me a PM and I'll be happy to send it to you to review it, but I can't just post it in public.
    Last edited by Natalya; 07-03-2009 at 11:36 AM.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
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    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  6. #6
    Sexiest Motha Fucka Alive N/U Commando
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    Quote Originally Posted by NatalyaAF View Post
    Now, again, the only people who should be posting here are Jr. Owners, me, Owners, and Breaker, so everyone else plz gtfo unless you have some piece of information that applies to this. If you are a skilled coder and you really want to look over the coding of my NsAC plugin send me a PM and I'll be happy to send it to you to review it, but I can't just post it in public.[/color]

    Why cant fellow admins back him up? Im 99% positive he does NOT hack or ever will. If he cant read the admin only section, make him be able to and move this to that section. GL Breaker!

    DD [r] иα∂ιαٿ: and your pretty damn hot...just saying


  7. #7
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    the thing is he got banned for HACKING. if you guys trust him that much dont believe he hacked why dont you start telling us why he got banned for it then....

    its not like i expected that he got banned for it and im happy about it. the thing is just there has to be a reason for the ban. and since this plugin bans only hackers and has always been working why else would he get banned if he didnt hack?



  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmurfSniper View Post
    according to nat it was her plugin....
    It may be her plugin but her anticheat system is 100% or steam and KAC would alrdy have it in its systems

    And her anticheat hasnt been checked by steam themselves to see if its flaw proof

    And im an admin

  9. #9
    Queen of the Internet Kung Fu Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by SniperKiller View Post
    I dont know u breaker but i was doing research on the ban website

    While i was looking at I noticed that there is entire page of KAC bans by the use of natalya anticheat system

    Also i also noticed it was only banning people on the zombie Mod server

    Also it mostly bans foreigners

    I will address these points:

    1: There's pages and pages of KAC bans by the KAC plugin as well... What's your point? If anything, the fact that it has had so many bans and that no one has ever complained until now, that should support upholding the ban.

    2: NsAC is only in use on Zombie Mod. It used to be on Dust 2 as well but that was only for a week or so. (It conflicted with KAC.) KAC can not be used on ZM because it bans by Steam ID only. Kigen is against no-steam servers so he won't support an anti-cheat that can be used on them, which is why we have NsAC. Though, admittedly, I could modify his anti-cheat to ban by IP.

    3: The people it is banning tend to be people who didn't actually buy the game, who tend to be foreigners.

    Quote Originally Posted by SniperKiller View Post
    It may be her plugin but her anticheat system is 100% or steam and KAC would alrdy have it in its systems

    And her anticheat hasnt been checked by steam themselves to see if its flaw proof

    And im an admin
    Steam doesn't look at 3rd-party anti-cheat programs such as KAC or Detox or whatever. They haven't done that and never will do that.

    Also, the method mine uses to detect hacks is pretty-much identical to KAC's. It's just a CVAR checker.
    [color=royalblue][b]Forum and Server Administrator[/b][/color]
    PasTieZ: I am scared now thanks nat
    natalyaaf: D:
    PasTieZ: sio is going to ass rape me

    NatalyaAF ウラヌス: i am the baninator :D
    word jackd ת/ύ: ha the baninator and the pwninator

  10. #10
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    well what do you want us to ask him? did u hack? or what
    theres a reason why he got banned by it. and like a lot of ppl said before me you cant just fuck up by typing shit in console.



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