Okay, i understand why the age rule is being so treasured. But think about it, if we enforced that we would lose at LEAST 5 admins. Then where would zm be at? 5? 6 admins? And we all know zm could not survive with a shortage of admins. Personally I think it's good that we have a lot of admins that want to apply, i seem to be the only one that thinks this but zm could use all the admins it can get.

Another point, i play all day as most of us know and miguel is on all day as well. We both are on till 5 AM + so I have full confidence in him being on during a time in need. And since im not a zm admin anymore we need someone to fill those spots i filled.

But as the others said. It's up to sajora and random.

Good luck to you miguel, you deserve it man.