Well, I'll preface this by saying that I don't have an issue with you Shnarf. I've played with you for the past year-ish without any specific problems between me and you. I will agree that at times you try to help enforce the rules as it relates directly to your gameplay. But at the same time, I will say that I have seen numerous issues with you and other admins as well as you and other regs. (however, it is possible that those are all resolved and possible there are no outstanding issues with other admins/regs and you)

That being said, I guess I would question the reasons that you want to be an admin, as well as whether or not you feel like you have a good rapport with admins and regs in the server. (I'm assuming this will be partially answered by regs / admins that respond to your admin app, but would like to gauge your thoughts)

I don't want to say "hell no, he's had too many issues", but when the expectation is that the admins help make the server a hospitable and fun place to play, I don't think it would be in the best interest of the community or the GG server to have an admin that cannot or does not get along well with many of the current admins and/or regs that enjoy the server.

The answer you have to question 12 about having refrences from current admins that you play with, and you answered "Oh, good luck finding those." is somewhat of a example of the reason that this stands out to me as a potential issue. When looking at admin app's we need to ensure that it is the right thing for the community, and I'm not sure that this would be. But I wanted to post it here, get your thoughts and see what the regs and other admins have to say since, like I said, I don't have any issues with you, but have only seen other issues over the past year or so.