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Thread: Votemap and Camping Issues!

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    I've gotta agree with Smurf, if the regs are camping.. then make them not camp, it's our job. If they want to camp constantly (like some regs in the server) then they are going to bitch, but they learn the rules or deal with it. The Jr. Owners and Owners shouldn't need to be there specifically to handle this kind of issue (unless they are already in the server). I'd question wtf if an admin grabbed me because someone kept camping...
    The rules are in place, we just discussed them at the last admin meeting less than a month ago, its our Jobs to enforce the rules with the end in mind of making gameplay better. (i.e. - smack around the retards for the greater good).

    Here is the deal, we need a votemap / rtv in the server. If this gets taken completely away, it will greatly impact the quality of the server. The requested change was that it isn't so easy to play the same maps repetitvely. Sio has been working on that, thank you Sio, and we are trying to get the small stuff tweaked out as to make the server more enjoyable. This is the right thing to do and I know that all the admins and most of the regs would and have agreed.
    Also, Map changes, this is an issue that is directly relating to the previous issue. This won't be an issue once the votemap thing gets tweaked.

    I guess the bottom line is... were admins, we enforce the rules and help to make it an enjoyable place to play. If there are people in the servers that are being dicks, then handle it or if you feel that you can't then let a Jr. Owner or owner know. I'll talk to anyone in the server that is being a repetitive bitch.

    The whole thing is getting rediculous. If someone is camping, warn them, slay them, and if they continue to be a bitch, then talk to them and/or give them a short ban. The rules are there to make the server fun, if they don't like the rules and/or think they are unfair, then have them talk to a jr. owner / owner or come to the boards.

    I don't understand where Sio needs to come and straighten anything out, if the issue is an admin getting tired of being bitched at by the regs that camp constently. Is there an issue with a owner / jr. owner not doing their job? I'd say absolutly not. Just be consistant and enforce the rules and this wont be an issue. Sorry, this is getting old, consistently enforce the rules and this wont be an issue.
    Last edited by rjk83; 05-16-2009 at 09:55 PM.

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