--Admins, knife rounds and forums. OH MY!--

First of all: who peed in who's cheerios? Why is this singular criticism--to an otherwise flawless server-- being taken to such extreme measures? It's been an up and coming sort of "when the leeve breaks" issue but is this response necessary?

Where is the worth-while, constructive and mannerly conversation?

Fearmeh! Just because you don't agree doesn't mean you have to storm out in a snit; lets be civil! Please reconsider I'd sincerely hate to see you quit.

No finger pointing! Come on guys: delegating responsibly for this single complaint to a few knife round enthusiasts? Hardly seems a sentiment belonging to an adult (which I assume most of you are). The community (the players) are just as responsible as the mentioned admins are. This goes for the self proclaimed "objective" knife round instituters as well.

Knife rounds are fun! More importantly their fun because their fresh; but this horse has been whipped to death. Perhaps we can recuperate? Heal the wounds monotony inflicted. Take a deep breath and find a mutual ground? One that accommodates those spasmodic little knifers and conventionally frigid gun whores? Surely such a ground exists and feasible that admins could keep their powers as well as players keeping their beloved knife rounds.

Cheesy has spoken! (LOL couldn't help it DONT BAN ME! *cowers*)