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Thread: Change of server name. Knife Game!

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  1. #11
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    This post keeps going on. I actually agree with Shnarf on this. It gets carried away, and it gets carried away a lot. Some people love knife rounds (myself included) but I even start hating knife rounds when one of our admins puts up a vote on every map. It was fun at first, but it is getting a bit redonkulous.
    More over though, I think it's more of a mentality shift that is behind the whole thing. When I started as an admin however long ago, you played, enjoyed yourself and used your "powers" when needed. It was fun, a good time was had by all. So what is different now?
    The difference is that instead of admins being there to facilitate game play, the admins are taking an active role and dictating game play (knife rounds, 1hp glock matches, etc). I was taught and trained that as an admin, you sit and play the game and just basically keep it moving, get rid of hackers, bump people in the right direction (not literally w/ slap) when they start spamming or camping, and make sure that a bad apple or two don't spoil the fun for the rest.
    What that translated to in the game was that the game goes on like it is meant to, and the regs have fun, we don't have all the issues we've seen lately in GG w/ admin abuse complaints (just because it's fun for you doesn't mean everyone likes it). Now we have brand new admins that are all set up on Admin B status and have abilities from the start that they need to "grow" in to. It's rediculous to me that a new admin on day one has the balls to use sm_slap @all with everyone, but at the end of the day, its indicitive of how it has been.

    Lastly before I shut up I'll say that I have also seen a lot more admin applications for GG recently since this has happened. Take it for what it is worth, but when people love the servers, the community and the game, they will pay for Admin and enjoy it and do thier job the right way.. However, more people are intersted when they can dick around with their admin powers all day and slap people around and such. Take it for what it's worth.

    I too just get a bit tired of coming to the boards and seeing something about admin abuse and having it be an issue on GG server again. And the unfortunate thing is that a lot of times, it's pretty accurate.
    Last edited by rjk83; 04-05-2009 at 04:06 PM.

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