Simply put, he didn't check out N/U or our rules before making a donation. A lot of players think they can come here, pay money and expect special treatment. It doesn't werk like that not even for sio or pasties. Sure they have titles like g0d but when it comes down to it, we're all the same and equal to the players. Not in skillz but with respect. I wish this accuser the best of luck but I also extend my hand to help him understand were a community of players trying to make online FPS fun for all. Also understand that admins support each other and have the experience of being an admin. Sure some are new, and still require training, but with that said players can also help make N/U better by pointing out admin abuse. In the future plz refrain from sicking lawyers on sio. He's a pro at it and I guarantee you lose every time not to mention it will not take care of any problems within the server. Instead be patient, gather your evidence and also take it to a Jr. 0wner, also don't get pissed off if things don't go your way. Hopefully all of us will come to an agreement at the end that is fair and just for everyone.