Eample #1
JohnnyBoy: Nat, Dot, and, X-Storm would you like to come the house some beer and wine?
Nat: sure.
Dot: why not.
X-Storm: will their be gay porn?
JohnnyBoy: uh nope but you can bring some for yourself and take the upstairs bathroom.
X-Storm: k.
5 minutes later....
JohnnyBoy: Hey and Welcome please have a seat.
Nat: k
Dot: where the drinks?
JohnnyBoy: I'll go get some.
X-Storm: I got the gay porn!
JohnnyBoy: Uh why don't you hold on to that while i get the drinks.
JohnnyBoy: ok i got beer, wine, TNT?
Nat: Did he say tnt?
Dot: chicka wha...
X-Storm: Gay porn Time?
10 seconds later
BOMB BAMMMMMM Everyone is dead at the house.
The End