My name is Jesus, I am in college and love to play Counter-strike source i have been playing since 1.6 and i loved it untill source came out and it blew it out of the water so yea .. i love N/U it is home for me when i get to my chamber and i play till my bottle of what ever i drink that night is empty then i can play more Lol i am on alot .. N/U is a fun place to be and i can help in any way i can i am goin to school for computer science majore and I know alot of programs and IT stuff..

1: must be a responsible member of the community. I am responsible member and Love the community , when i am here a feel at home i feel welcome.

2: clear minded thought proccess and thinks before he/she says or acts on anything. I always think before i act thats why My parents gave me a brain ...

3: must have the ability to help the community with donations. I am eligible to help the community every month with donations with the server , but i am in college so it wont be more then mabe 20 bucks or so ..

4: has to be 18 years of age or older (some exceptions are made but not many) .. Well duh i hope last time i checked my Id i was Lol im 19 years old gana be 20 in november..

5: has played on the servers for at least 3 months. I have been with N/U for over 6 months now off and on and ive been playing hard core in the past 3 months so yes ..

6: knows the rules of the servers. i know the rules always have .

7: must be able to learn things as explained to him/her the first time. I am a person that you have to explain it once and once only..

8: must have the willingness to do his job in game rather then ignore the players and continue playing. I do not ignore the Stupidity and things that people do in side the server.

9: should be seen helping enforcing the rules. i love to enforce the rulles I like the binds and People hate it but hey it keeps the envirorment nice and safe.

10: must Have Xfire. my xfire is buldog78

11: must have the Ventrillo client and know how to connect and participate in our Ventrillo server.
i am moslty in vent all the time..

12: references from admins you play with a plus but not mandatory. I am pretty sure that Jaked and outlaw and many more admins Cheer me on..

13. Not have admin on any other server, or owner of there own pub server.. I have only played N/U servers for the past 6 months and no other never had admin in other servers and nor do i plan on it only hopfully n/u..