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Thread: Getting GG populated

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  1. #11
    CaNNoN fOddEr Kung Fu Master SmurfSniper's Avatar
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    I have to agree with this... lately its gotten worse, and is probably part of the reason I dont care much for playing gg anymore.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sajora View Post
    believe it or not but id say another problem is the bad behavior of a lot of regs there. just a few days ago ive heard from someone that they tried to voteban someone just cause the ping was high but that person was from germany (no not me) and that person was not lagging. if you have played on gg im sure some of you noticed that ppl start votebanning, votekicking, votemuting someone just cause they dont like a person. imo thats not a good base to get new regs.

    yea jackd, lol you should go in under a different name sometime....

    Quote Originally Posted by jackd View Post
    I'm sure this is an easy fix if we want to go that route.

    That's a dam shame. Fuck I wouldn't play there. I hope this never happens when I decide to pop in there.

    Sorry betts they never would do that when I was in there. But I do know now it happened a lot now..

    Quote Originally Posted by Mfh_Betts View Post
    Ive Had the same problem with the regs in here when it used to be more populated.
    was votebannned because i didnt want to knife i think, or they thought i was aimbotting or something.. i came back in with betts in the name, and they where like betts... u shoulda told us it was u.... i laughed then left again. but yea i could see how this would not be good for gaining more peeps.

    all great ideas, but they all have been tried before. I have no problem with the bots as long as everything works... about the admin part... lol well I dont want to really get into that, but we do need admin in there, problem is the way gg is... the forums would be flooded with "admin abuse" threads... seeing how some people in there think that if an admin does anything to them its admin abuse. Map rotation, we had a very long meeting mama, drink, organ, myself, and all gg admin at the time... and this was discussed. you think the server is dead now? O_o try and take shotty , deagle, weaver, run n gun, or a very select couple other maps off the rotatoin and you will watch the server completely dissapear... I agree with you vince about liking the challenge of trying to find the different gameplay in the maps... anyway...

    Quote Originally Posted by vince21 View Post
    i also think that bots should be put back on. it's a nice way to play while waiting to get more ppl in there and get it populated. they disappear when a new person joins, so you only have them there until there are 4 ppl. if we could figure out the glitches and get them fixed, i think that would also help. i know that when they were on, the guns would be in front of you and you had to switch out at the beginning of each round. a little annoying, but manageable.

    for the rest of the complaints, it just sounds like we need admin who don't care what ppl say and enforce the rules of the server. if we need more admin, i'd be happy to admin gg as well as office. but the admin do need to understand that the happy gaming of others comes before their personal game-play. this means sorting out arguments and muting ppl if it needs to be done. even regulars. get everyone cooperating nicely and you'll be surprised at how easy it will be to admin AFTER the complaints have been settled.

    map rotation is something that i think should be discussed. a lot of ppl only like a few maps. yay for them. i love all maps and find it a challenge to figure out the different gameplay styles needed for each. that said, we should try to rotate out the maps nobody likes and rotate in maps that ppl post in forum they would like to see in the server.

    dot's suggestion of having ppl post their complaints in forum is a great way to not only see where the major issues lay, but also to get new players acquainted with our website and thereby our community.

    yea... they talk a lot of shit if you dont knife... just to skip all the bullshit you pretty much gotta tell them "STFU I dont want to knife so leave me alone"

    Quote Originally Posted by onehit View Post
    Ya i know exactly what u mean, especially when people
    say were knife fighting ONLY, i hate that shit, whats the
    point of going to a GUN GAME server if your NOT going to
    SHOOT anything. That also is a problem which i saw. Atleast 6 people
    left yesterday cause the regs in there wanted to just knife instead of
    playing a normal game of GUN GAME. We have a knife in our inventory
    if we want to knife and steal a lv from somebody, don't force them to.
    That's just taking the fun outa the game and how it was mean't to be
    Last edited by SmurfSniper; 02-22-2010 at 05:41 PM.

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