1: i'm not incredibly active on the forums, but if i don't have anything worth saying, i just don't say anything
2: I'd like to think so
3: I'm in the middle of a move from middle Georgia to the Dallas/Ft. Worth Area, so thing's are tight at the moment, but come next month this will be no problem
4: 25 years old
5: been a regular in the gungame server since the days of MamaIce and (unfortunately) Drakma :\
6: i know the rules
7: this is not a problem
8: this is also not a problem
9: this is also true
10: i have x-fire
11: i have ventrillo
12: i'm sure the other admins of GG can vouch for me
13. i am not

I'm applying for the Gungame server, but i do make my occasional stop by office ^^