Ok, I heard that silenced used to toggle walls, but he didn't get perma-banned. Zeus, I know you and a certain group of n/u gungame members don't like me, and it's probably because I either a) cheated or b) got on your nerves. I'd like to apologize for angering you, but give me a break, I'm still just a kid.

I'm going to come right out and say that yes, I did cheat on your server. I fully regret this and I can't offer any explanation other than the fact that I sometimes suck at counter strike, so I stupidly went and got cheats to use so that I never sucked.

I'd like to ask for a second chance based on my regret and the fact that it will never happen again. I'm sorry to anyone who thought I didn't cheat, I lied to you and... well I'm sorry I don't know what else to say. There isn't really anything else I can say if you asked me, which most of you wouldn't.

If I'm not allowed to be unbanned or something, I understand your animosity towards cheaters. I feel bad about this already, so...

One last time, please, I would ask for a second chance, but if you won't allow me one, then I understand...

Sorry about all of this...