Wow you people are pretty pissy about this whole thing... Anyways no peice of software is 100%, I'd rather trust someone I know over a peice of software. Its nothing against Nat in this case it just happens. If Vac was a 100% we wouldn't need other anti cheats, and we've had problems with Kac before as well, and that is a much more in depth peice of software. I am not saying anything, I'm just asking questions. If you can't take critisim you should go hide under a fucking rock, and people stick up for their friends. Frankly I find it pethetic that you all threw breaker out no questions asked. Are we a comunnity or just a bunch of people out to play css, becuase that is what I have seen over the last couple of months. I can understand why we have anti cheats, I can understand why we trust them. But why the hell would we trust them over an admin we know, without fucking at least asking one fucking question, is beyond me.