hey guys I would like to apply for admin for N/U's GunGame server

1: I consider myself a responsible person on the servers, I have not been on the forums much but I am sure I will be if accepted.
2: I always have a decently clear mind when around, I try to do the right things in all situations.
3: If need be I will be surely able to help with some, I have a job
4: I am currently 25, I will be 26 in October.
5: I have played off and on the server for over a year/ or two. I am on the server now like 24/7 ask around if need be.
6: I know the rules of the server and would be able to enforce them when need be.
7: I am of course able to learn new things anytime need be.
8: Jobs always come before play, gotta make money, right? lol but seriously yes I would enforce rules before paying attention more to my game.
9: Enforcing the rules is key to having a fun game so of course.
10: ZeusHax is my xfire
11: I do have ventrillo and I am aware of how to work it whenever needed to.
12: I have played with many of you guys in the past and present. I would hope Brie/Mama Ice would be my reference. Pasties probably remembers me though I used to run a server for w0rd with 2fk
13. I do not have any admins nor pub servers I run currently so i'd be ready to go if you guys do agree to allow me to do the job.

Thanks for your time,